As the owner of your own cafe you have to make sure that you’re providing your customers with all of the tools they need to enjoy their coffee experience. Even if it’s just one cup of coffee, you want them to be able to sit down and relax with their drink. Here are different types of cups that we recommend all cafeowners should have in their cupboards at all times – don’t serve your customers out of any other kind:
1. Halloweenies Pattern Coffee Mug

Giving your cafecustomers a mug with a Halloween theme is sure to get you tons of buzz and on trend at the same time. It’s also a great choice if you’re looking to set your caféapart from other locations in the area. This particular mug is actually made of ceramic, so it will be quite durable as well.
2. 90s Neon Rainbow Penis Pattern Coffee Mug

Along with selling coffee, you’ll also be selling plenty of other items at your cafe If you already have a large selection of other drinkware on hand, you should definitely consider stocking up on these neon rainbow penis mug. It looks far less tacky than the previous mug and is actually more versatile as well.
3. Village Witch Coffee Mug

If you’re located in a small town, the last thing you want to do is lose all of your customers because your coffee mug has the name of an entirely different city on it! Keep things simple by getting a mug with a village witch icon on it. This will be an easy way for people to identify that they’re in your village, and it will show that you take pride in your location as well.
4. Omg You Guys That's Not What I Said Coffee Mug

If you’ve had a bit too much caffeine, you may be inclined to say the wrong thing or slip up on the way you speak. The last thing you want is for a customer to come up to your bar and ask for something, only for you to tell them a completely different order. That’s why it’s so important that everyone working at your cafeknows what “ OMG You Guys That’s Not What I Said Mug ” is clearly printed on their coffee cup.
5. I Love Plants So Much I Soil Myself Coffee Mug
6. I Do What I Want Cat Coffee Mug

We recommend that you keep a variety of different types of coffee mugs on hand in your kitchen, but this one is different than the other ones on this list because it also gives your customers an idea of what they can expect out of you. If they see that they can order something like “ I Do What I Want Cat Coffee Mug ” and receive a negative answer, they’ll know that you’re not for them at all.
7. Floral Penis Blue Coffee Mug

This is a coffee mug that’s just as sweet as it is insane. The floral penises are actually made from real flowers, and the color is actually an anti-bacterial coating that can prevent bacteria from getting into your coffee cup. Just make sure you don’t use this mug for anything else or the antibacterial coating will eventually wear off.
8. Mess With The Honk You Get The Bonk Coffee Mug

If your customers are always getting free drinks, they may start to believe that they’re owed a lot of free stuff. That’s what the “ Mess With The Honk You Get The BONK Coffee Mug ” is all about. If you ever find out that someone is trying to mess with you like this, don’t hesitate to let them have their coffee with a bonk on their head instead.